Monday, April 15, 2013

Ko Jeffry's Graduation Day

It was a big day for Ko Jeffrey! He finally graduated from Macquire University! Congratulations once more!

Ci Icing, Cim and I woke up really early on Monday morning. It was a good thing I got noon classes instead of morning ones. We woke up early to catch the train. All set up with our banana nutella sandwich in our hands, we were ready to begin our journey.

Went to the Central Station to buy the ticket to Macquire.

A weird thing happened while purchasing the train tickets. All three of us felt pretty confident in pronouncing "Macquire" right. But when we saw our tickets, the destination was "Mt Kuringai". We began to start pronouncing both words and comparing the two. Well, at some point, we knew that both places were in the same train line.

Another thing happened that day, we waited on the wrong section of the train. It was a good thing we were right on time in leaving and searching for the right one. Or else we might miss our train.

The train has two storeys (not sure if that's the right word to describe it). It was really packed. We got seats anyway though after standing for sometime. I sat next to a lady which surprisingly out of the blue started to glare at me while testing her glasses. I could sense her glare as I tried to ignore her and not look at her. She did this twice.

After about an hour (I guess), we finally arrived at Macquire. We obviously did not know the way to the graduation hall in Macquire. Fortunately, there was this guy whom Ci Icing asked the direction to, he was such a dear that instead of giving directions, he led the way.

waiting for Ko Jefrey
We talked for a while. Took photos there. And went home. I got Uni and Ci Icing had to print her projects out.

On the way back, I was tired that I dozed off.. 

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