Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Shunken Sentimental

Days ago, I came across this Japanese Girl Band known as Scandal on TV. And honestly, their music video on Shunken Sentimental is awesome! They kinda remind me of K-on for some reason. But, two thumbs up! They are really cool showing off their band skills.

Anyway, I got my English Research Essay assignment today! It is extremely satisfying! Hard work does really pay off. I mean, I have printed 4 times for this essay and I have gone back and forth consulting with my English teacher. Thank God so much for this! 

Next, I am in the middle of watching youtube videos on nail tutorial arts. I'm planning to paint my nails again. As the vintage floral nails are chipping out everyday, I should quickly replace them with something else if I could find myself the time. I mean, it is almost final exam. Moreover, I, sometimes, feel distracted every time I have a new nail coats. I would get paranoid or instead of studying I would observe my nails. Such a waste of time right. Speaking of wasting time, I did the most ridiculous thing ever while preparing myself for Math Mock the other day. I was in a lot of stress, and everything around me seems very interesting at the time, especially the torchlight Denny gave me recently. 

I took the torchlight and started directing it to my eyes to dilate my pupils. I spent 5 solid minutes watching my pupils dilate in front of the mirror with the torchlight.

Okay, back to nail polish topic, I found this cute youtube channel, Cutepolish

I think I'm going to paint my nails with a leopard print.. I have been craving it since yesterday. But this just have to wait until I have finished my semester exam.

This brings me to a closing, I have to go now and hit the books. Bye..

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