Monday, March 4, 2013

Rolling In The Punch

It was the first day of Uni! And I must say I was exhausted! The distance from my dorm to the class was really far. I was drenched with sweat! But anyway, I made a new friend named Shinelle! And what is awesome is that she takes the same major like me!

After class is over, Santa, Earl, Yang, Glen, Clifford and I went to Anzac Parade for sushi! I tagged along to take photos though. I still got some Korean leftovers at my place.

earl and santa

yang, clifford, glen

Yang was kind enough to lend me his portable charger! Glen and him live in the same building like me. Different floors though.

yang and clifford


edamame, complimentary from the restaurant

Back at home, I ate my dinner alone! Cim had to go back to her homestay. Then after dinner, I went to the law library to access internet to upload pictures. 

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