Friday, June 28, 2013

June Birthday Recap

It was movie night on Friday Fellowship! We watched Tim Burton's The Big Fish. This movie basically explains the intriguing stories told by a father to his son which turned out to be a reality. The son, however, thought it was just a major bluff due to the unrealistic imageries and metaphors. But at the end of the movie, during the last minute of the father on his deathbed, the son foretold his father a happy-ending story before his father's final breath.

Honestly, I felt a little bored at first but the during the middle part and the ending, I was weeping.

Half an hour before we finished the movie, there was a technical difficulty of the projector being turned off automatically as it was almost 10. It was my chance of me and Cim leaving the room to grab the cake from the terraces. We were planning on surprising those who celebrates their birthdays on the month of June.

Ci Icing, Ci Hilda, Ko Nicolaus, and Caro
Happy birthday to all of you! We were still missing Diana, Grace and William though. Too bad Diana has gone home to Indo. 

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