Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wendy-Never Say Never-Web Series

When I was youtube-ing for Tyler Blackburn, I found out that he also played as Pete in the new web series, Wendy-Never Say Never. For me, Never Say Never is a little too much of bringing up Justin Bieber in my mind. Anyway, the series is awesome. There are only 6 5-minute episodes for the whole season 1. The series is based on a modernization of the classic Peter Pan. I think season 2 is going to come soon. Im eager to watch more. However, after reading some comments about Wendy by viewers, there was a chill down my spine. Based on the commentator's perspective, Pete turned out to be a ghost while Wendy tried to commit suicide believing that Pete was going to catch her fall (ep 6) into a dried pool.

On the other hand, Tyler Blackburn who also co-starred as Caleb in the Pretty Little Liars Tv series, sings, showing his talent in the music industry as a singer. Not a bad singing for someone like Caleb, aye? HAHA

Meaghan Martin starring as Wendy, is looking very pretty in all the episodes. In the series, she dreamt of meeting Pete. Apparently, Pete kept on appearing and disappearing in real life too. Michael and John, Wendy's "crazy" brothers, were also said to be gone and lost. Maybe the end of episode 6 in which Pete led Wendy to Neverland functioned as a clue to viewers of the current location of Michael and John. Neverland on the other hand might be heaven in which no one gets old and stay young forever, and forever happy they will be (this idea can be accepted only if Wendy, the web series, is more realistic rather than magical).

You lovers of Tyler Blackburn and Meaghan Martin should definitely without a doubt should watch this web series.


  1. Are they not making a season 2? I have been waiting forever :(

    1. yeah, I've been waiting for so long too!
      They said that they were going to make Season 2, but still no news about it.

    2. Oh man, I just discovered them yesterday was bummed they hadnt already done season 2. On the plus side, they didnt release season 1 until September 15th sooo maybe we just need to wait longer. I know the Alloy website hasnt taken Wendy off their pange, so just maybe they will do it.

    3. well, let's hope for season 2 to really be made and uploaded as soon as possible! I am eager to know the continuation. LOL.

  2. Your videos say private.

  3. Where can I watch the episodes?


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