Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Wanted

On the 23rd of November, Cim returned home from Aussie for her summer break. She brought lots of yummy goods too. HUAHAHA.. (evil laugh). There are snickers, chocolates, oatmeals, chips, and lots of jars filled with fish oils.

I love this cadburry! a minty flavor beneath the chocolate cover

big package of cereal.

lots of nuts!

chips. they're pretty good.

pistachios! unsalted!

sugar coated cashews
Basically today, during breakfast, we feasted cakes and pastries that we bought from Pak Yunus, the man who sells cakes and pastries around our complex every morning. He has been around from my childhood. I love his kroket the most! 

After breakfast we took photos from a Pororo app available on ipad.

Subsequently, together we read Bible. Afterwards, I painted Cim's nails, vintage floral style. HAHA. But then, I didn't get to finish her right hand because I had to practice piano for tomorrow's Sunday School. Yes, I made a comeback to Sunday School piano service.

Cim's nails
btw, check The Wanted's song I Found You. pretty cool


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