Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ci Lilyana's Birthday

My heart-throbbed like crazy. It was such a nerve-wrecking feeling just minutes before starting the debate. The Euthanasia group was presenting the debate that day. I was in the against team along with 4 other members: Niousha, Darren, Karen and Rawha. To be honest, I consider myself to be a horrible speaker. I have only debated once during my foundation year. And that was atrocious as well.

The affirmative team went first. I was the 6th speaker of the whole debate. And I totally chickened out just listening to the other team’s speech. They were so intimidating. They were so confident and I shook in fear.

I have practiced my speech a couple of times back at home. And when I recorded it, it took six minutes. But then, when I spoke it out loud, it only took 2 and a half minutes! I was in shock. Each speaker was given a limit of 5 minutes to speak and I just took half the limited time.

Anyway, after my turn was done, I felt the hugest relieve of my life. It felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted off. That was such an amazing feeling!

However, the difference about my team and the other team was that I felt that the other team was more organized in a way that they had looked at out points first before the debate and that was why they could rebut every point we said. And not to mention their confidence in speaking.

But, basically, I am so glad I have overcome the fear of speaking in front. And fingers crossed on the grade. 

Later on in the evening, went to Ci Lily's birthday bash! But before that, we grabbed something orange for her. 

happy birthday! 

everyday value : birthday girl

cutting the cake

ci fen2! ci lily's elder sister

my share of the cake

this is totally not a selfie. I assure you! 

ci lily's pose! 
At around 10, I ran back to the University Terraces before bedcheck. I was right on time when I arrived there. The RA was in front of my room and was about to call me. Pure luck. Super tired after all that running!

Took photos after that.

And after some chitty-chatter, we all went back home.

ojek Feri bringing home Andrew

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