Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hari Buruh

@ monas, sorry blurry image, but it was a major chaos out there.
I mean, there were trashes everywhere. 

Hey guys, so it's the first day of May! And today there was this riot going on in relation to the Hari Buruh Sedunia (if i was not mistaken, I saw the banners the rioters were carrying and it was written this phrase). I thought this riot was not going to be as dangerous as the BBM riot that has happened recently last month. But it caused pretty much a ruckus and even made the busway stations to close, so this riot was going to be huge, (It's still ongoing now).

My teacher even informed us to leave early after the lesson finished as the riots were going to do their demonstration out on the baseball field just across our school. I was hoping he would let us out earlier but NO, he even prolonged the whole chemistry lesson for 10 minutes. 2 hours of Chemistry was a major boredom. However, I was a little confused why I didn't yawn so much during class. I was not even sleepy.. zzz..

Anyway, tomorrow is going to be the day of my practice presentations. My teammate has not been joining us since yesterday. There is a possibility that he has left for Singapore. But who knows. He never informs any of his classmate. Day after tomorrow, there'll be math quiz ! I'm worried about this one.

By the way, the video below was me recording the whole situation as I was passing Monas.

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