Tuesday, September 30, 2014


A great day to stroll down at the beach! I went to the library first in the morning to meet up with Nicole and then together at around 3:30-4:00ish we started to walk to Coogee Beach which is just 20 minutes away from uni. Despite my motivation of studying in the library I was not that productive and only went through a lecture. I did not even complete going through my biochem lectures. The guilt is trying to engulf me.

Went to buy some sorbets in Woolies but then we realised that we did not have any spoons. A sneaky thought came by and we went to Gelatissimo which was along the woolies for some free samples and went away with the spoons given.

The both of us talked and talked. Not to mention we also read the bible too. It was basically our one-to-one together. My first one-to-one with a medical science classmate.

went to chilli box thai restaurant

we stayed about 2 hours and we were so full! can't even finish eating

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