Sunday, April 29, 2012

Byebye Weekend (again)

It's Sunday people! Oh yeah, it's Carissa's bday! Happy bday carrrr! (Well she never read this blog tho). Anyway, today I went to church and Vivi bought these cool pins. The theme at our church is Mission Now!.
This movement is basically spreading about the good news as in Jesus Christ has died on the cross for our sins to save us all against the eternal punishment in hell. 


During the afternoon, I 9gag-ed, and saw this post. It got me thinking and I decided to edit my answer for the question. :D 

 LOL.. I tried uploading this on tumblr but the picture got really pixelated. It's unreadable

Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Friday

It's Friday again people! The day I have been waiting for since Monday! I'll crave for Fridays every Mondays. LOL. 

As usual, I went to Subud for lab. Did chemistry and physics lab. Physics is okay. Chemistry-- a disaster. All we did was just titration but I made a simple mistake which caused everything else into a ruckus. I'm not talking about the room getting messy and the apparatus broken or anything, I am talking about the answers to the questions on the worksheet. And when I showed my answer to the teacher, he went bonkers. 

I'm beginning to loathe Chemistry these days. 

oh yeah, on my way home from Fatmawati, I saw a restaurant called the Lucky Grilled Ribs! Lucky was the winner of Masterchef Indonesia. I was a little bit surprised seeing he has opened his own restaurant in BlokM. LOL. 

Lucky Grilled Ribs
Happy Friday all :D 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Distribution of Report Card

I just got my report card today. It was okay I guess despite the quizzes that I badly did. On the bright side, I got no Ds! LOL. I only got 1 A though. Btw, this sucks, I got less because of my attendance due that food allergy a couple of weeks ago.

Oh yeah, sorry for the blurry image, it was purposely taken that way. HUAHAHA.. *Evil laugh*

Another thing is that, today my english class is combined with the Commerce students too. It was really crowded. I befriended someone from Commerce though. This combined class is going to last for three days straight starting from today due to the fact that Mr Vern has to rest to fully recover. I hope he gets well soon. It's uncomfortable for me to study in a very crowded room like just now. You know what we should have had a bigger room for the lot of us. --"

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Icing on the Cake

Browsed for more cooking videos while waiting for my Sims2 psp to fully finished downloading. There are 8 more minutes left for it to finish! Enjoy the vids. LOL. 

I can't really cook but I love watching videos about food! I hope I would be dreaming about food tonight! 

woohoo! My sims2 psp cso has finished downloading! LOL ! It took me a while to kill some time while blogging! 

Japan oh Japan

As usual, when I was youtube-ing I found some really cool videos involving Japanese products! So creative!

watch more of her videos by visiting her youtube channel --> MarimoMarshmallow

A day out with Dennise

Today, I went out with Dennise to Plaza Indonesia and Ex to watch at the Premiere. We were planning on watching Battleship but the show start later than 21 Jump Street. We were in a hurry and needed to go home when Ii Linda (Dennise's mom) and Darren (Dennise's bro) came to pick us up from Universal School. Let me start telling you all from the beginning of today.

First of all, today I woke up late. I actually woke up at 8 but then I went back to sleep because I thought I might wake up an hour before Dennise pick me up. However, I was overslept. And was woken up by Dennise herself on the phone. She said that she had almost reach my place and I obviously should hurry up and get ready.

It took me 15 minutes to take a shower, brush teeth, and change clothes. I skipped breakfast. Who eats breakfast at 10? Having that thought, I was planning to eat brunch when we reached the mall.

Dennise's car arrived and I saw that her cousin, Ci Catherine, was also in the car. She was going to her university to take an English test today. I found out that Binus is actually located near my foundation building, Sequis Life. Binus' building is big but not that big, medium then . LOL.

After dropping off Ci Catherine, we went straightaway to PI and then directly went to EX's XXI premiere at about 12:30 (when we reached there). Unluckily, the XXI, was still closed! It opened around 12!!!!

So, we went to go sightseeing. Stomach was empty by then and we went to grab a bubble drink from Quickly. I bought a Champagne Grape Pearl Milk Tea, while Dennise grabbed another flavour which I forgot. This was probably the first time I had a bubble tea on an empty stomach.

To kill the 30 minutes we got before we could purchase the movie ticket, we strolled around window shopping at PI at shops like Bershka, and Stradivarius. If it weren't for Dennise, I would have never known a boutique like Bershka even exist. LOL. The clothes there are nice. :D

At 12, we went back to XXI and bought the tickets.

Then after that, we went to GI!

At GI, we went to Zara to buy Darren's jeans. And then stopped at Gramedia to buy Ci Michelle's loose leaves and post it note. Then we rushed to PI again.  Beyond our expectation, it was raining! Without thinking, we rushed into a taxi without actually lining up in the taxi line. It was embarrassing. The satpam was telling us to get off the cab and just line up instead. However, we decided not to take taxi to cross from gi to pi. On the bright side, there is a payung ojek !!! Wow! The umbrella was big enough for the two of us. The ojek was walking in the rain though. I was really touched by how much hardwork this guy had gone through to get money! Even when in the rain!!! When we reached PI, I asked the guy how much should I pay for borrowing his umbrella, he said "Terserah" ! This word touched me so badly! I felt really sorry for the guy to pay him less money. I gave him Rp.10k though.

Anyway, we were really late for the movie and had no time to eat. So we ate at the Premiere. Brunch was on Dennise! Thank you Dennise!!! The movie tickets was on me though, not exactly paying though because I used BRI Prioritas and there is a special offer on watching every friday for free at the Premiere.

At last, my craving for popcorn was fulfilled! I love popcorn! I ate Mie goreng Penang while Dennise ate Spaghetti. For the beverages, I ordered hot green tea while Dennise ordered sth cool.

The movie was a little bit gross. Dennise said that she learned a new vocabulary after watching this movie! I have had no idea that she had never encountered the word "Dick" in her life!!! She had never known what that word means!! *facepalm*

Anyway, we had so much fun laughing all the way through watching that movie. The theater was full of laughter even though the number of watchers was not that many.

21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street was about two undercover cops as high school teenagers to investigate the supplier of the so-called HFS drugs. --> This is basically the main point of the whole movie. There are some scenes that are disgusting though. 

After the movie ended, we decided to take a few pictures before Dennise leave Jakarta tomorrow.

I'm a bit sure that some people were looking at us when we were taking these pics,. Who cares. haha.

I'm so excited for the Avengers to show up on May 4th! AAA! Really can't wait!!! 

my camera sucks! 
 Afterwards, we went to eat deserts at Pizza e bira! We ordered the sweet pizza called Black Eyed Pears! This was on Dennise too! Ah , Dennise is so kind T_T..

the menu

While waiting for the food to arrive, we took some photos using ipad and Dennise's iphone. My phone was dead. 

"Please wrap me" instead of "Please unwrap me"
Dennise covered the "un" on that thing.
 The food has arrived! It looks better on the menu though. well duuh.. haha
Black Eyed Pears
We also took some photos with the desert

After we finished the desert, we were thirsty and we ordered some refreshment. I ordered the Lemon lime flavour! So sour! Dennise ordered the Peach one. 

While we were eating there, Dennise saw Sherren !! We met Sherren as well as Illya as well as Nicholas, David and also for the first time, Sherren's younger brother, Aldo! HAHA. Laughed and talked for a while and then we departed. Dennise and I went back to GI again to meet up with Ii Linda and Darren.

Together, we went to Zara to exchange the jeans they had purchased.

After that we went to Topshop and Topman to buy Dennise's and Darren's clothes. We met Dian Sastrowardoyo at Topshop. I didnt even recognize her until Dennise told me who she is. LOL

At about 5, we went home and it was raining and there was traffic.

We also came to know that Fauzi Bowo was celebrating his birthday at Batu Ceper today which caused some of the traffic . LOL.

In a nutshell, I had a really good time today!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fly on the Wings of Love

I was youtube-ing and I got the urge to browse this song back when I was in middle school. It is a funny thing that I also found it a bit similar to Jrock's song, Ceria. In case you don't know who or what Jrock is, Jrock is band from Indonesia and I'm not a huge fan. I suppose this band kinda copy the concept of the music video of Fly on the wings of love

Anyway, when I was doing this whole process, Vivi started screaming Tomcat2. There was this red and black striped bug on my bed! How did it get there?!!! I was so shocked! It was a good thing Vivi realized what it was before squishing it with her bare fingers because it would be dangerous as the poison might enter her skin. Instead she called me for help, what a genius. And so without hesitation I took a tissue and actually squished it. The funny thing was that I had squished it so hard but it didn't die. I tried like about twice pressing and the third time I did it, it died. So surprising!!! Be careful people!


I have just got this vibe of manicuring my nails and I browsed the google for inspiration. However, these nails below are not at all simple. Despite the difficulty, they really look so good. aa, man, I am in love with nail polish again. Btw, the pictures are not mine, all credits goes to respective sites I randomly found on google. 

what the.. 

Brand New

I am loving the new blogger dashboard! I was actually surprised with the new look but actually it was pretty cool! I really love the status mode in the dashboard! It's detailed! HAHA.. Cheers for blogspot!

Btw, I just made a wordpress account yippee.. lolol..

Video calling again

Last week, Dennise skyped me and in the middle of the night we began hyper started to do some screen captures. 

cherrybelle style. HAHA

blurry dennise


dennise.. ckckck


dennise's face full screen

pretending to be punched. HAHA..

the fringe



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jane by Design

I have just watched the first pilot episode of Jane by Design and it was freakingly awesome. whooh, my list of must-watch tv series have just lengthened up every single time I watch a new tv series. LOL.

BTW, this series is about a teenager, Jane Quimby, who applied a job at a fashion house Donovan Decker and was actually accepted as she was mistaken to be an adult. With a golden opportunity like this, how could Jane, an ordinary not-so-popular adolescent in her high school, say no. Besides, after her father's death, it was only her and her brother living on their own. Her brother, Ben Quimby had to quit college to be able to take care of Jane. They were in debt as Ben was unable to get a job. This was the other reason why Jane applied the job. Soon, Jane found herself juggling life as a teenager as well as an assistant to an executive in the cutthroat fashion industry and also maintaining her true identity a secret.

watch the trailer and you'll love it. HAHA.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Piling Up

I have had some really rough weeks recently. Today I just had my Physics test and it was okay I guess, I am not sure about the marks though. Then, I also got my math quizzes. They were returned and guess what I did pretty average.. gaaahh.. FRUSTRATING. I used to be good in math.

Anyway, tomorrow is going to be my Chemistry Test and my english presentation. There might be a chance of me having my English test too tomorrow. Everything is in a rush as the Parent Teachers' conference is right at the corner. The teachers are trying their best to get their records on the students so that they can report us to our parents. --"

I have not completed my English Summary Presentation which is about Homosexual Selection . This is a pair work. And I got the chance of standing up in front of everybody to present my presentation. This is really hard.

I'm lazy to study Chemistry too. --".. Lighten up Crystal! If you can endure studying Physics, you sure can conquer Chemistry! Guess what, I'm not doing any chemistry and english right now. I'm blogging as well as tumblr-ing. What a pro. Got upcoming test tomorrow and still chillaxing.

I hope I did well. PTM is on next wednesday.

Again, I am still unable to handle the not-so-new environment here. They're way too different.

Oh yeah, Dennise came back to Jakarta for the week.

btw, I just got an update from my teammate, he said that the presentation is postponed until this thursday! So tomorrow I only have chemistry test and English Test. zz,, English is going to be so hard. AAA.. Another thing that is making me crazy is that I have not even started learning my Chemistry . I was too busy preparing the presentation which was not even due tomorrow.  this sucks

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Day

Yesterday, we celebrated Easter :D . Happy Easter everyone, or should I say Happy Pass-Over Day. So I went to church for the Easter Celebration. The sermon that day was really absorbing. LOL.. And I came to know that there were actually 3 astronauts landing on the moon on 20 July 1969. So it was not only Armstrong to land on the moon that day, there were 2 others. According to the fact, Armstrong landed first, and the second to touch the moon surface was Aldrin. However, when reporters asked about Aldrin's feelings for not getting the chance to step on the moon first, Aldrin was not at all jealous of Armstrong. With a really down-to-earth heart, Aldrin replied the reporters that although Armstrong is the first man to land on the moon, Aldrin is the first man to land on earth from the moon. Hypothetically speaking, Aldrin was the first to come out of Apollo 11when they had landed on earth. LOL, such a generous man. 

The sermon that day was actually about the accomplishment of Jesus' crucifixion for all human's sins. Jesus relied fully upon God (the doctrine of trinity: Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit), with humility He came to earth to die for us, and moreover he accomplished it till the end of his main objective of coming to earth. :D 

Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins
After the sermon and before the end of church, each one of us was given an egg in refer to a new life. :D Every year the packaging seems to differ. LOL. 

After church, we went shopping at Giant first before going home. When we reached home, we saw a birthday card from the bank for CiM.

There was cake too. Also from the bank. 
the cake. really good

After a while, there came another parcel also from the bank and it is also for Ci Michelle.
 This was what was inside of the parcel. It is china.

Anyway, at night, we got lost on our way to Cinere. So we decided to not go there and went to eat at Bakmi GM at Sawah Besar. LOL.. 

Another thing is that today, I found out that my hotmail has been blocked. And when I finally able to open it, I found lots of junks in my mail. This is awkward. There might be a slight chance of my mail getting a virus or sth. urgh. Oh yeah. anyhow, I got a mail from Periplus and they call me with Mr. urgh. And what's with the wrong middle name. It should be Rachel not Racket. Who would name their child Racket. --" 

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