Sunday, April 8, 2012

CIM's 18th Bday

I'm posting this according to the Aussie's timezone, so there you go, our wish (me, vivi and helen) to you. I'm wishing you a very happy 18th birthday. You only have it once in your lifetime, so enjoy it. Moreover, you have holidays coming up, which make me so jealous of you. I have school. And homework to be done. Mid-test is also coming soon before the parents teacher conference. DOOMED. 

ps: it has brought to my attention that you do not have any recent photos with Helen, that's why I photoshoped the one above. HAHA.. 

Anyway, I hope you graduate soon and get a well-paid job there. 

Btw, this time, I'm not giving you a video. You have received a video last year so why repeat the same gift again. You'll get bored. HAHA.. That's why, I made you this photo. I can't afford sending you a cake through fedex or any other transporting company. So here, I browsed you a cake: 

i think it's a wedding cake.. LOL 
source image:

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