Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fly on the Wings of Love

I was youtube-ing and I got the urge to browse this song back when I was in middle school. It is a funny thing that I also found it a bit similar to Jrock's song, Ceria. In case you don't know who or what Jrock is, Jrock is band from Indonesia and I'm not a huge fan. I suppose this band kinda copy the concept of the music video of Fly on the wings of love

Anyway, when I was doing this whole process, Vivi started screaming Tomcat2. There was this red and black striped bug on my bed! How did it get there?!!! I was so shocked! It was a good thing Vivi realized what it was before squishing it with her bare fingers because it would be dangerous as the poison might enter her skin. Instead she called me for help, what a genius. And so without hesitation I took a tissue and actually squished it. The funny thing was that I had squished it so hard but it didn't die. I tried like about twice pressing and the third time I did it, it died. So surprising!!! Be careful people!

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