Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Distribution of Report Card

I just got my report card today. It was okay I guess despite the quizzes that I badly did. On the bright side, I got no Ds! LOL. I only got 1 A though. Btw, this sucks, I got less because of my attendance due that food allergy a couple of weeks ago.

Oh yeah, sorry for the blurry image, it was purposely taken that way. HUAHAHA.. *Evil laugh*

Another thing is that, today my english class is combined with the Commerce students too. It was really crowded. I befriended someone from Commerce though. This combined class is going to last for three days straight starting from today due to the fact that Mr Vern has to rest to fully recover. I hope he gets well soon. It's uncomfortable for me to study in a very crowded room like just now. You know what we should have had a bigger room for the lot of us. --"

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