Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday

Happy Good Friday everyone! Today, I went to church with my family at 9 and stayed there till 3. It was a great accomplishment to stay at church for 6 straight hours. I usually could not stand my stomach during lunch hours a couple of years back. However, today's session was successful!

At church, there was the sermon, the holy communion, and a lot of praying and there were 2 guests speakers talking about their journey in their lives. Their stories really moved me. Like figuratively! I shed tears too listening to them. It was so great for them to receive God's grace and blessings despite their limitations. One of the speaker was born really special and the other one had gone through a tragic accident which basically deformed his body. But, God is good all the time and he is fair and he takes care every children who believes in him that nothing is impossible in his hands.
one of the guest speaker. Sorry, unclear. She was on a wheel chair
and there standing with her is her husband and her daughter
There was a moment given to all of us to have a one on one moment time with God like the time Jesus was praying in Getsemani. It was great. Although my right leg froze and kesemutan that I really could not feel my leg. It was wobbly and shakey as soon as I stood up from the long pray. Anyway it was worth it.

the room was decorated to have an outdoor atmosphere like the Getsemani Garden

 After church, we were starving. And so we went to Green Garden to eat Soto. So good. So full. My stomach was about to explode. After that, we went to watch in Puri Indah Mall. We were planning on watching Wrath of the Titans. Unfortunately, The Premiere is showing only Act of Valor. So we watched that instead. I have never seen that trailer before so Ive had no idead what it was going to be about. Maybe about soldiers as you can see from the title and the poster. And it turned out to be about soldiers and bad guys. Lots of actions, less talking. Super noisy all the way through the film. I got bored and I fell asleep. LOL.. But then was woken up once more due to lots of bang sounds. The person beside me fell asleep too. My sister and my dad slept too. LOL.

fooling around

fooling around

kay the movie was going to start soon
 After the movie, we went to meet up with my cousins who were in the same mall too. Then chatted for a while and then went home.

At home, I watched Suburgatory again up to episode 17 which was apparently the last episode that was on the internet and so I have to wait till the mid or  end of April for episode 18 to be aired . On the bright side, I have nothing to watch and so I could focus on finishing my homework.

I also watched a really great and sad movie called Cyberbu//y . It was about a girl named Taylor who was cyberbullied after signing up on a social network for the first time. The pressure of bullying was so severe that she began to be traumatized. She was miserable.

I felt emotional watching the movie. And it got me thinking that I am so lucky of not having to be placed somewhere that has really harsh bullying activities like the USA (simply saying). I would not survive, especially during the times that I was so useless, the times I was really quiet. I would be the object of bullying in school. urgh.. again, THANK YOU LORD!

watch the trailer please! 

This is my best regards to my friend, Willdy, who's leaving soon! 

Dear Wii, 

You're leaving on Sunday?! Take care! Good luck on your studies there! Don't forget to share any tidbits available. Tell me when you have met your special someone there too. HAHA.. Just kidding! Nah, I'm serious! Keep in Touch!!!!!!!!! Blog every now and then kay! LOL.. GBU! 

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