Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Friday

It's Friday again people! The day I have been waiting for since Monday! I'll crave for Fridays every Mondays. LOL. 

As usual, I went to Subud for lab. Did chemistry and physics lab. Physics is okay. Chemistry-- a disaster. All we did was just titration but I made a simple mistake which caused everything else into a ruckus. I'm not talking about the room getting messy and the apparatus broken or anything, I am talking about the answers to the questions on the worksheet. And when I showed my answer to the teacher, he went bonkers. 

I'm beginning to loathe Chemistry these days. 

oh yeah, on my way home from Fatmawati, I saw a restaurant called the Lucky Grilled Ribs! Lucky was the winner of Masterchef Indonesia. I was a little bit surprised seeing he has opened his own restaurant in BlokM. LOL. 

Lucky Grilled Ribs
Happy Friday all :D 

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