Friday, March 7, 2014

Kevin's Birthday Surprise

Today was Kevin's 20th birthday. It seems surreal that this bloke is turning 20! So, my friends and I planned out a surprise for him. He was super paranoid that we would throw him something foul to embarrass him in public. pfft, yeah, like we would do that. We, respectable comrades will never do such a shameful thing to a mate. Honestly, some of us planned to do it, but I believe it would be a real troublesome to throw something wet in uni. Imagine that we have to clean up the mess afterwards. Or maybe we would be fined or something. I don't know.

Anyway, I did a huge mistake of setting the time of celebrating Kevin's birthday. I didn't know that everyone of us were free at 11. Our original plan was at 3 which only a few could make it.

Basically at 11, there was an impromptu surprise of blowing trumpets and singing happy birthday to Kevin at the courtyard. It was a total mess because I was the only one who was the loudest and yeah.. I could see that Kevin's face was utterly disappointed with the birthday surprise. I was just laughing inside. He didn't know then that we had cake planned later on.

Afterwards, we continued our uni as per schedule.

After lecture, I tried to be as vague as I could to stop Kevin from catching a bus home. He started to be energised once more that there was another surprise for him. Okay, that leaked pretty bad.

Santa and Raymond were already waiting for the cake at the Village Green. I walked as fast as I could leaving Kevin behind with Alvin and Marco. I had to light up the candle. But then when I reached the cake, the lighter I brought was malfunctioning. The candle was unable to light up. We had to borrow a stranger's smoker. Kevin was waiting on the other table. This plan was failing already.

mango cheesecake

reading the bday card

super happy in getting the gift

he was stoked! 
It was a great day for him I believe. Glad that he liked it. He was touched though. Maybe, that's the reason we should be proud of in accomplishing the birthday surprise plan. 


  1. Wooaaah mango cheesecake... sounds yummy! Pengennnn :)

  2. WOW

    Suuupaaa kawaiiii naaaaa~
    Eburishingu you posuto is suupaaa kawaiii naaaa~
    I wish i kyan posuto as kawaii as yuuu~~~
    I oruso wanto mango chizukekii raiku thato. itsu very kawaiiii naaaaa~

    Guriishingu furomu YURAKUCHO.
    Eri Sagawa
    cheku my webusaito.


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