Saturday, December 28, 2013

Build Youth Conference 2013

Build Youth Conference is a retreat organised by GFI (Gereja Fokus Indonesia) members to invite family in Christ in Indonesia to come and learn more about Jesus Christ. The retreat was held in Wisma Anugrah in Bogor. The topic this year is Heaven is... 

We all met up at GKYJMB before setting forth with the same bus to our destination. My dad dropped me out and Cim at church.
passed Monas
 I sat together with Susan and we talked all the way through! It was about a 1to2 hour road trip by bus! We were actually pretty right on schedule.


Susan, Ci Icing, Ci Lucita, Ci Tika, MeiVin, Ci Yuli, Angela, Evie, Tata, Ci Lingga, Cim

with Ci Grid

meivin, ci yuli, angela, ci lucita, ci tika,
ko jeffry, ko monthy, ko iem, charles

serving food with Ci Grid and Ci Anita

mouthwatering gudeg, tempe and tahu bacem and opor! 

mesmerising eyes

felix and the cats

spiderman spiderman nanana spiderman.
don't know the actual lyrics

sunny day today

during seminar

ci Gloria, amanda, ci antia, tata, ci lucita, jenny

oops, missing the first bible study group. 

awesome sunset


games night


breakfast! Day 2! 

Ko budi had just arrived

Group number FOURRR


got a suprise! so unexpected! touched! 

playing bang

playing kartu bohong. the english name of this game is Bull----. I'm trying to sensor it  

playing polisi maling. 


Day THREE! Time to go home

collecting the keys

Ko freddie and his sister, Susan

drawing our point of view about the heaven during the seminar


ci mei, amanda, and jenny

Susan in the middle of an interview 
music practice

Ko erik

Tata and Angela's time for interview

last lunch

green beans cookies

Heaven is for bad people because we, as sinful people have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. We (the bad people), are blessed to enter heaven.

Heaven is also more than earthly things. Not to mention due to our limitations, our imagination or "demands" of how we want heaven to be might not exactly turns out as our plan. Nobody knows what heaven is like. Moreover, in the bible itself, very little information about the bible is available. It is written in the book of Daniel and Job that dead people who did not believe in Christ will be put in a place called "Sheol". And those who believe will be in Paradise which has the tree of life. A familiar tree that comes to our mid that grows in the Garden of Eden. These people would wait till judgement day DURING Jesus' second coming.

Heaven is also now because when Jesus died on the cross, spiritually, we are in heaven along with him. However, our earthly body (badan jasmani) is still on earth. Heaven is also in our heart when we receive Jesus Christ.

As the time is drawing near, we, as children of God should definitely manage our time and sacrifice our comfort zone to spread the gospel in order for our loved ones to have the opportunity to experience the greatest joy of salvation.

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