Friday, August 1, 2014

Potluck Sunday and VIP

First time of GFI holding a PotLuck Sunday. It was awesome and refreshing and we get to indulge with the hidden culinary talents of church members. On top of this, the fellowship that we get to cherished was the cherry on top or should I say : Fellowship being cherry-ished. LOL. Get on with the reading and ignore my dry comment.

ci icing's baso goreng! AMAZEBALL!! 

pretty rainbow cake <3

rice cake

There is another upcoming event especially for new students that have enrolled in this semester intake. It's called VIP- Very Important Person.


the welcomers! 

pistachio macarons made by Ci Steph! 

birthday surprise! Happy birthday Ci Stella

Happy birthday ko popo 

The night was filled with short skits that portrayed how people think importantly about themselves but there is always someone who is higher. The hierarchy is endless. Being very egoistic in our point of views, we always feel superior against people who have lower statuses compared to us. Moreover, being brought up in this world, we are shoved up with the idea of how essential the term "status" is. 
As taken from the book of Luke about the parable of the tax collector and the pharisee, both were sinful but the only difference is that the tax collector was sincere about his prayer while the pharisee was too over himself and still guiltless in his prayer. But then Jesus said that "those who humble themselves will be exalted and those who exalt themselves will be humbled before God" (Luke 18: 9-14).

Worldy importance such as the higher statuses is not as important as compared to how we are saved from God's wrath with the death of Jesus Christ. Let's just face it here, somebody dying for us due to our sins, who would do that except for the Son of God himself whose love for us is beyond comparison.  And because he died for us, we definitely should be grateful and always put the kingdom of God first as that is the main intention of Jesus dying in the first place. :):) Keep on going forth in the race and complete till the end of the line which is heaven. 

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