whoah, it took me a very long time to upload these pictures here! The internet speed is way too slow these days. And I'm in rage! I'm going to go berserk any second now! Nah, I'm just kidding. Keep calm and read on. As this post is going to cover everything I have done this Friday which includes: food galore, marvel character and the upcoming election.
The four of us (me, Ci Michelle, Vivi and Helen) along with Ci Sharon, Vivi and Helen's coaching teacher who is also my ex-teacher, went to PI together by taxi. I have no idea why taxis only allow less than or equal to 4 passengers on board. That's surreal. They used to allow a lot of passengers inside the cab a long time ago. I hate this rule so much! Anyway, after discussion with the taxi driver, he allowed us to go inside but with only one condition that we would pay 10k each person. After further thought about this, we agreed. (Traffic is always bad during lunch hours)
So we reached PI eventually and we straightaway went inside XXI to purchase The Amazing Spiderman tickets! Really excited! The queue was freaking long! On the bright side, we obtained our seats!
Afterwards, we went to lunch at Mie Laiker at which we also waited for Ci Lisda to arrive.
Took a lot of photos there. and ate a lot there.
vivi and cim |
ci sharon and vivi |
unfocused helen |
blackcurrent and Teh Tarik |
quenching their thirst |
the face ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Mie Kangkung |
Mie Saus Italia |
adding the Jeruk Nipis |
LOL. |
After a while, Ci Lisda came and she ordered the same Mie Kangkung like ours. The bowl was too big for her, and so I helped her eat. Man, I'm a glutton. --"
eat, eat and eat |
chew,chew and chew |
asdf |
Ci sharon and vivi |
Ci Sharon, Vivi and Cim |
Helen, Ci Lisda and Me |
asdfasdf |
Helen |
eateateateat |
I took this quietly. lol. |
After we finished eating, we went inside XXI. It appeared that the movie had already started and we rushed into the theater as fast as we could without ordering popcorn first. We ordered popcorn inside the theater though however the guy said that popcorn are only purchasable outside the theater and could not be delivered inside the theater. I was too lazy to go outside and buy as the movie had already started and I did not want to miss a thing! Therefore, we continued watching with nothing to nibble on.

Throughout the movie I kept on screaming with joy. It was really thrilling for me to see Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone together ! They make such a great couple! And what's good about this movie is that there is every type of genre you could think of. Like for instance, there are romance, comedy, thriller, sci-fi (of course), action, drama. How awesome is this right? This movie is an absolute must-watch sci-fi! One of the best sci-fictions I have ever watched! And I can't wait to see spiderman to be on Avengers! He should be included!
After the movie, we went to Pancious!
I was still in a
Spiderman Rush, a term in which I'm still shrieking and smiling to oneself due to the fact that Amazing Spiderman is the most amazing movie ever, I could not focus on ordering a dish! LOL. How bout the others? They're ordering alright. I just sat there grinning like a mad person. Not to forget, I was also taking pictures while grinning.
Think Pancakes |
Eventually, I switched place with Helen, as I was going to share a dish with Cim and Ci Lisda. :) I was a bit full myself before stepping inside this sweet pancake/pasta/waffles restaurant.
purple nails |
While waiting for the food to arrive, we decided to take more photos!
No clue why I was posing that way. |
the only heart |
peach juice |
not-ready pose |
my hand looks so round |
idk what this is called |
pretty refreshing |
division |
Ci lisda and CIM |
Helen's pancake |
pouring maple syrup |
Vivi and Ci sharon's shared pancakes |
bbm/twitter-ing (idk) |
dig in! |
:3 |
my dish. |
too cute to be true |
check it out yo! I got peach down my straw! |
finished |
Ci Lisda was in a rush and so she went home earlier.
bye2 ci lisda |
The rest of us later on went to GI to buy Mom a burger. I have no idea that there was a sale there.
Shopping Wonderland only up till 15 July.
a show for kids |
shopping wonderland |
takeaway burger |
After dinner, Mom told us to fill in invitations for the neighbors' elections receipt/invitation in which play an important role for the upcoming
Pilkada this Wednesday (15/7/12). I hope the people of Indonesia would chose the best of the best to improve this country.
busy busy |
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