Friday, August 31, 2012

Spring Cleaning

These past few days I kept on cleaning the rooms at my house due to the absence of maids and also I was unemployed (meaning, nothing to do and I got bored). So it has been 4 days.  I started on Monday and ended on Thursday (which was yesterday).  

Monday- My bedroom
Tuesday- Master bedroom
Wednesday- The room in front of my bedroom which was used for ironing clothes and where my dad exercises. 
Thursday- The Dining Room 

Felt really tired. My arms were about to fall any second. My thighs are accumulated with lactic acid. The cramps unbearable. Especially when you keep doing these kinds of chores everyday. I'm not saying the usual chores like moping, sweeping and dusting. What I did during these past few days were organizing stuffs. Unwanted things were disposed. There were a lot of my dad's unused things that he still keeps. These things weren't even useful anymore. Don't bother finding them still work. They are BROKEN. I'm confused why my dad keeps junks. Anyway, I disposed some of them. The really severe ones of course. My dad is away. He went abroad for some days. LOL. 

I have no idea why I like organizing stuffs. Man...what a HOBBY! 

Anyway, I found some old stuffs of mine in my room. 

wristbands from church
 The wristbands above send a message of Good News. The 5 colors (Black, Red, White, Green and Yellow) each symbolizes a meaning. Let me share the meanings to you. Firstly, all human kinds are born with sins. Nobody is free from it. The black symbolizes our sins. But then, with God's love and grace to all of us, He was ready to send His only child, Jesus Christ, to Earth to save us all with His sin-free blood. Red symbolizes the blood. After being washed with his blood, our black hearts are now purified. White means that we are now born as a new person. With this purification, we should not sin anymore and live a good life and grow as a healthy Christian. Green means growth. And at last, we shall obtain a glorious eternal life in the heaven which is represented by the color yellow in this wristband.

Another thing I found at my bedroom was a highlighter in which its tip was covered with fungi. This amazed me a lot. I have never seen a highlighter being fungi-ed..
the white stuff is the fungi
 Finally, I found these masks. During elementary school, my art teacher gave an assignment, or should I say "test" as this was the way in which she marked us in the report card, to decorate a mask in which we have to buy the mask from her. Great way of making profits, aye, as a teacher. My sisters were given the same assignment too. The golden one was mine. The silver one was my elder's sisters, and the smallest one was my younger sister's. I took a picture of it first before I threw it away. HAHA.

That's all.. Good NEWS! My maids have finally returned home. FINALLY! THANK GOD!
Now time to focus on studies before going back to suck-ish school. 

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